Friday, July 25, 2008

Blond who me?

I was going through old boxes and I came across a picture of Scott and I as toddlers! Blond!! ME!! Who would have ever guessed! My mom didn't even remember! Of course I look like my roots need to be dyed.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The energy of kids

In light of recent events in my life, I have decided to take up running again! Yuck I know!
Alex was totally offended that I would not let her go on my run with me. I explained that it was getting dark and I was planning on doing 2 miles. I didn't want her left behind on a dark road. To which she replied," I can train for it Lori"
Well how am I supposed to tell her that she can't! So off we went! She actually passed me! Twice! I was in worse shape than I thaught! The good news is I now have a LOUD little girl to bug me every night to go running! Nothing like motivation!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

A new girl!

Alex does not like to brush her hair! I really do feel sorry for her with those tangles! Yesterday morning the tears started and I asked her for the 500 time if she wants to just get her hair cut short. She said,"If I want long hair I have to get used to it and get tuff"
I asked her if she would like to read The Swain blog and see Allie's new hair cut(a new reason to blog, peer pressure) She immediately said yes she would like her hair cut like Allie!

Side story when she was 5 she got a bad case of head lice! As you can imagine it's about impossible to get the eggs out of that light hair! To this day no one will admit to who's idea it was but she showed up at my house with a crew cut!! Since then she won't let anyone cut her hair!

She love her new hair cut! This morning she seemed very disappointed that it only took her 2 minutes to brush it out! I on the other had was thrilled!

Last Day 4 Baby James

Alex stated it so well," I know why we don't get along, He's a boy and I am a girl!!"

I couldn't have said it better myself. Needless to say James loves to make her mad and she loves to be mad at him.
We went to the park and met up with Stacie and Landon.
By the way James said next year he wants to stay 5 weeks!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Guess where we went for dinner?

That's right I know at least two girls who claim this as their "favorite" place(truth I am getting tired of it but don't tell the girls)

Baby James has been asking since he got here if he could go down the water slide at the pool. We didn't have the correct life jacket until today! I have never seen a kid so happy to try a new thing


Sunday afternoon the Kids had their Birthday pictures taken and cousin Jessie had her senior pictures taken. Thank goodness for friends because this session never would have happened with out him! It has been a long time since I picked up a camera for anything more than a snap shot! ANYone who has experienced me as a photographer will tell you it's one of the 2 things in life that I have OCD about! The pictures are great! He even got a good one of me and the kids!

Thanks Again Big D for your help, you saved the day!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Kids at play

Mom took the kids to bridavil falls this afternoon... The said the water was cold! I missed the fun but Cousin Jessie took some pictures. We can't seem to get Alex to open her eyes!

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Captain Obvious

In the car today Baby James was telling me how yummy the peach was that he was eating.
I asked him if he knew that there was a movie called James and the Giant Peach.
Alex looks over and said,"Yeah and your name is James!"

I should make a tee shirt for her that says," In case you don't notice, I will point out the obvious"

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alex and James Post

Becca Beth Alex James(left to right)

(OK well I'm not sure that the kids posting is a good idea but here goes!)
(Alex) Last night we went to the pool and movie theather and today we also went but we had the girls Becca and Beth. No Rachel when we all got there it was very surprising, (James) and very watery. He also wanted to add, "James is so funny, Aunt Lori and Alex and me our whole family is funny"

(Lori) Yesterday and today we did go swimming We went to the dollar show and saw Nim's Island. Surprisingly it was pretty good!
Alex helped me with my sun block and now I have an interesting burn on the one shoulder.

Monday, July 7, 2008

It's A Boy and a girl and another girl...

Everyone arrived late last night safe and sound! (what does that phrase mean anyway?)
Lot's of hugs an squishes all around!
Our house is very confusing for most people. It is circular in logic. So I spent 15 minutes making sure Baby James and Alex knew where the bathrooms and Aunt Lori where located!
I opened James' suitcase and he informed me,"You can't just take stuff out of there you will mess it up" Then he wanted to unpack at 10:15 at night. He could see no other way to get to his PJ's with out messin' up all the nice piles!

They bounced on the bed for at least 15 minutes and Alex fell asleep! James was still awake at 11. Though he was laying quietly on top of the blankets. He wanted to know why I couldn't sleep with him cause there was lots of space behind his back for me....Tempting but no thanks!

This morning started just like I thought it would. 6:08 am~ I felt someone searching through my blankets! It was morning for them! I grabbed some clothes and headed up the stairs. Where James explained to me "That's not how you're shirt post'a goes" Inside out shirts just don't cut it for him!

I was called out to a birth this afternoon so I missed the trip to the park :-(
Oh Baby James has a new nickname" muffin top" Well That's what I called him and his reply was "it's MR Muffin Top" Followed by "no it's "Dear Mister Muffin top to you"

The day ended with Alex crying hysterically because as she says "I have to miss everything and I have to do every thing" ( Can I just say that she woke up too early and now it's after 10:00)

They are too much fun! We start again in the morning!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

And they're off..

The trip hasn't been going so well so far. Yesterday morning James woke up early and could not find grandma. He grabbed a zip lock bag and started packing his things. Then he woke u his mom and said that they left with out him!(luckly she isn't that forgetful yet)
Alex lost her chunks on grandma's clean laundry, everything had to be rewashed.
They waited for Uncle Aaron to decide he was moving here then change his mind and stay. They didn't leave Kansas City till late afternoon.
The caravan made it to a hotel in the middle of Nebraska last night. Cousin Jessie is helping to drive and it's a good thing cause Grandma is sooo poky, they might never get here!!!

Glad I am not there! We will see them tonight!

Saturday, July 5, 2008


The kids get here tomorrow!! I wait for this all year! Baby James is old enough to come this time, he is 5 and a half!My cousin Jessie is coming for 2 weeks, I used to change her diapers! She is 17 now. She will be a great help!
Oh and my brother Aaron is moving out here too!
For the first time we will have more Mergell's than Bjarnson's in this house!

Let the fun begin!